April 28, 2008






Superdelegate Stalemate Shows No Sign of Easing


By Larry Rohter and Carl Hulse

New York Times

April 26, 2008


Jeanne Lemire Dahlman, a Montana superdelegate and rancher, has declared her allegiance to Senator Barack Obama. But she said voters in her state, whose primary is June 3, are thrilled by the unresolved Democratic nominating fight, which gives them a potential voice in a nominating process that has usually bypassed them…


Democrats Registering In Record Numbers

1 Million New Voters In Last 7 Primaries


By Eli Saslow

Washington Post

April 28, 2008


RALEIGH, N.C. -- They lined up shoulder to shoulder inside the gray high-rise downtown, their politics as diverse as their backgrounds. An ex-felon who needs health insurance, followed by a high school student seeking empowerment, followed by a Marine Corps veteran who wants to prevent his country from crumbling…


Clinton, Obama and the Narcissist's Tale


By Shankar Vedantam

Washington Post

April 28, 2008


Put yourself in the shoes of Sen. Barack Obama or Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton. You are widely seen by Democratic voters as a transformational presidential candidate. Democrats are nearly evenly divided between you and your competitor, and you think you are the best candidate for your party -- and the one more likely to beat Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) in November. Your supporters passionately believe you ought to win the race…


Obama rejects debate challenge


Associated Press

April 27, 2008


WASHINGTON (AP) — Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama on Sunday brushed aside a challenge from Hillary Rodham Clinton to debate before the May 6 primaries in Indiana and North Carolina…


Clinton turns up debate heat, Obama passes


Associated Press

April 27, 2008


MARION, Indiana (AP) — Democratic rivals Barack Obama and Hillary Rodham Clinton turned up the rhetoric Saturday in their increasingly heated presidential primary battle as she issued a new debate challenge and he complained of a race that has largely been reduced to trivia while working families feel economic pain…




Faltering Economy Plays to a Clinton Strength


By Jodi Kantor

New York Times

April 28, 2008


Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton, who has spent her whole life climbing the ladders of education, wealth and power, is climbing back down them…




Obama Tackles Bread-and-Butter Issues in Indiana

Appeal Refocused Amid Tight Race After Clinton Win


By Nick Timiraos

Wall Street Journal

April 28, 2008


ANDERSON, Ind. -- Barack Obama recast his call for change by speaking more directly to voters' economic concerns as polls show him in a dead heat with Hillary Clinton in Indiana…


Eyes on Blue-Collar Voters, Obama Shifts Style


By Jeff Zeleny and Adam Nagourney

New York Times

April 28, 2008


Fearful that he is being portrayed as out of touch with working-class Democrats, the senator is trading big stadium rallies for smaller town-hall-style meetings…


Obama Links Broad Ideas to Economic Specifics


By Alec MacGillis

Washington Post

April 28, 2008


ANDERSON, Ind. -- Sen. Barack Obama came this past weekend to this factory town, where the loss of hundreds of jobs at the Delphi auto parts plant was only the latest blow, and told 2,000 voters that the way to fix things was not just to vote for him -- but to join a bottom-up mass movement to change the way government works…


Obama donor received a state grant

His letter on behalf of a table tennis company preceded the funding.


By Chuck Neubauer and Tom Hamburger

Los Angeles Times

April 27, 2008


WASHINGTON — After an unsuccessful campaign for Congress in 2000, Illinois state Sen. Barack Obama faced serious financial pressure: numerous debts, limited cash and a law practice he had neglected for a year. Help arrived in early 2001 from a significant new legal client -- a longtime political supporter…


Obama feels Wright impact


By Kathy Kiely

USA Today

April 28, 2008


A public relations blitz by Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama's controversial former pastor, Jeremiah Wright, is re-igniting a racially charged controversy at a time when Obama is trying to convince party leaders he can appeal to white, blue-collar voters critical to capturing the White House…






McCain Criticizes Comments by Obama’s Former Pastor


By Michael Cooper

New York Times

April 28, 2008


John McCain had largely avoided talking about the Rev. Jeremiah A. Wright Jr., but on Sunday he called remarks by the minister “beyond belief.”


McCain Frequently Used Wife’s Jet for Little Cost


By Barry Meier and Margot Williams

New York Times

April 27, 2008


Given Senator John McCain’s signature stance on campaign finance reform, it was not surprising that he backed legislation last year requiring presidential candidates to pay the actual cost of flying on corporate jets. The law, which requires campaigns to pay charter rates when using such jets rather than cheaper first-class fares, was intended to reduce the influence of lobbyists and create a level financial playing field…


McCain fleshes out his economic plan

His challenge is to appeal both to the GOP's tax-cutting faithful and to independents and moderates.


By Peter Grier

Christian Science Monitor

April 28, 2008


Washington - Presumptive GOP presidential nominee John McCain in recent weeks has put much time and effort into an attempt to bolster his credentials on a core issue of US politics: the domestic economy…


McCain doesn't put his faith out front


By Maeve Reston

Los Angeles Times

April 26, 2008


Not long after he became the presumed Republican nominee, John McCain flew to New Orleans to face a skeptical audience -- conservative leaders of the Council for National Policy…


<><> PRIMARY CONTESTS<><><><><><><><><><><><><><>


<><>RACE TO THE WHITE HOUSE<><><><><><><><><><><>


Candidates' Health-Care Ideas May Not Offer Immediate Cure


By Laura Meckler

Wall Street Journal

April 28, 2008


Sen. John McCain kicks off a week of health-care pegged events Monday with a simple message: The fundamental problem facing the health-care system is spiraling costs that must be brought under control…


Election Day in Florida May Look Familiar


By Damien Cave

New York Times

April 28, 2008


Eight years after the “hanging chads,” experts say it is harder to vote in Florida than in nearly every other state…


3 Candidates With 3 Financial Plans, but One Deficit


By Larry Rohter and Michael Cooper

New York Times

April 27, 2008


The Republican and Democratic presidential candidates differ strikingly in their approaches to taxes and spending, but their fiscal plans have at least one thing in common: each could significantly swell the budget deficit and increase the national debt by trillions of dollars, according to tax and budget experts…


G.O.P. Now Sees Obama as Liability for Ticket


By Carl Hulse

New York Times

April 26, 2008


WASHINGTON — Senator Barack Obama is starring in a growing number of campaign commercials, but the latest batch is being underwritten by Republicans…


McCain gas tax holiday a 'scheme,' Obama says

Moments earlier, the Democrat had called for an end to 'tit-for-tat bickering' in politics.


By John McCormick and Tim Jones

Chicago Tribune

April 27, 2008


ANDERSON, IND. — Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.) on Saturday called a proposal by Sen. John McCain for a federal gas tax holiday the "latest scheme" from the Republican presidential nominee-to-be…


Card fees carve out millions from political contributions


By Ronald J. Hansen

Arizona Republic

April 28, 2008


The explosive growth in online political contributions is helping to make this the most expensive presidential campaign in history…




Justice Department Letters Cloud Legal Understandings of 'Torture'


By Evan Perez and Siobhan Gorman

Wall Street Journal

April 28, 2008


WASHINGTON -- Despite a presidential order designed to clarify the limits on interrogation practices, new Justice Department letters to Congress appear to muddy the public understanding of what is and isn't legal when intelligence officials question terrorism suspects…


Guantanamo Awaits About-Face

Ex-Chief Prosecutor Expected to Allege Politicized Agenda


By Jess Bravin

Wall Street Journal

April 28, 2008


When military prosecutors enter Guantanamo's heavily guarded courtroom Monday, they can expect to face a spectacle: their former boss, in uniform, testifying against them…


U.S. Says New Find Shows Iran Still Sends Arms to Iraq


By YochI J. Dreazen

Wall Street Journal

April 25, 2008; Page A1


WASHINGTON -- The U.S. military says it has found caches of newly made Iranian weapons in Iraq, leading senior officials to conclude Tehran is continuing to funnel armaments into Iraq despite its pledges to the contrary…


In push for drones, Gates labors to change Pentagon

The services aren't delivering enough unmanned planes to war zones, the Defense secretary charges.


By Gordon Lubold

Christian Science Monitor

April 28, 2008


Washington - The military is scrambling to put more unmanned aircraft over Iraq and Afghanistan to conduct surveillance and augment ground forces there…






<><>OTHER NEWS<><><><><>><><><><><><><><><><><><>


What Does a President Really Do All Day?


By Joel Achenbach

Washington Post

April 27, 2008


A simple and deceptively tricky question: What does a president do?


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